Support and stories from people living with PH1
Find support and patient stories for people living with PH1. Don't miss the Caregiver's section below for educational resources.

Discussion Guide: Could Kidney Stones Be a Sign of PH1?
If you think you or your family member may have PH1, use this discussion guide to help you have a productive conversation with your healthcare provider.
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PH1 Handbook
This brochure provides an overview of PH1 management, monitoring, and more.
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Join the community taking on PH1. You’ll receive relevant information on your condition, plus a water bottle.
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PH1 Perspectives: Hear From Your Peers
A series focused on the true stories of real patients

PH1 Perspectives: Understanding Progression

PH1 Perspectives: Describing PH1

PH1 Perspectives: Journey to Diagnosis

PH1 Perspectives: Experience with Genetic Testing

PH1 Perspectives: Facing an Invisible Disease

PH1 Perspectives: Seth - Living with PH1
Emotional Support
If you’re struggling emotionally or have troubling thoughts about your disease, you can find help through the National Institute of Mental Health.

Alnylam Act®: One option for genetic testing and counseling
If you haven’t been diagnosed with PH1, you or your healthcare provider can request genetic testing and counseling through the Alnylam Act® program offered at no charge, if you meet certain criteria. The test is done using a blood, saliva, or buccal sample. Siblings and family members may also be tested through Alnylam Act®.
The Alnylam Act® program was created to provide access to genetic testing and counseling to patients as a way to help people make more informed decisions about their health.
- While Alnylam provides financial support for this program, tests and services are performed by independent third parties
- Healthcare professionals must confirm that patients meet certain criteria to use the program
- Alnylam receives de-identified patient data from this program, but at no time does Alnylam receive patient-identifiable information. Alnylam may use healthcare professional contact information for research purposes
- Both genetic testing and genetic counseling are available in the US and Canada.
- Healthcare professionals or patients who use this program have no obligation to recommend, purchase, order, prescribe, promote, administer, use, or support any Alnylam product.
- No patients, healthcare professionals, or payers, including government payers, are billed for this program
Downloads for caregivers

Guide to Growing Up With PH1
A brochure that provides educational information and tools for the caregivers of children with PH1. Topics include understanding PH1 progression and management, as well as tips for discussing PH1 with care team members and children. It also includes an age-appropriate activity book for children.
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My PH1 Info Sheet
A handout that can be used to inform others on how PH1 affects you or your child on a day-to-day basis. The information on the handout explains how some people with PH1 must drink lots of water, and may not always feel well.
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Connect with a broader network of people who may be experiencing the same
things as you:
Communities for anyone with PH1
The Oxalosis & Hyperoxaluria Foundation (OHF)
The OHF is dedicated to finding treatments and a cure for all forms of hyperoxaluria, and supports thousands of healthcare professionals, patients, and their families in their fight against this disease.